Coney Island News Ticker

Facebook Page Coney Islanders for Oceanside Ferry Makes an Urgent Statement

A Facebook page titled Coney Islanders for Oceanside Ferry was launched this past week urging support for a ferry landing on the ocean side of Coney Island. The City’s Economic Development Corporation is in the process of launching ferry service on the highly toxic creekside even though the majority of residents don’t want it there! Much has been written about how the creek dredging may cause residents to develop cancer as well as developmental delays in children. The toxic creekside landing will be a mile and a half from the amusement zone and will be very disruptive to the peaceful neighborhood. Assembly member Mathlyde Frontus and community activist Steven Patzer have been very vocal opposing the irrational creekside location. Like the Facebook page Coney Islanders for Oceanside Ferry today. Anyone who supports a creekside ferry doesn’t give a damn about the health and well being of the people of Coney Island. The community can use your support to fight this hazardous plan orchestrated by the EDC and instead bring back a much deserved ferry to the ocean side of Coney Island.

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