NYC Restaurants to Ban Cuomo from Dining

Struggling restaurant owners city-wide are permanently banning New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting foot into their establishments.
Effective immediately.
According to bar owner Larry Baird “ He can eat at some shitty roadside diner outside of Albany but he will not be served anywhere in New York City, known universally as the world’s greatest dining destination! If he has to use the restroom he can go pee on my street-corner! That’s what he wants anyway!”
Former life long Coney Island resident Val Torre said that he’s finally moving to Florida. “It’s 70 degrees every day. My Coney Island childhood friends have all retired to Florida now! All the restaurants and bars are open and the grannies live!”
Many members of the Facebook Group NYC Restaurants Open applaud the Executive Order banning Cuomo from being served at all New York City establishments. One member stated “Completely schizophrenic behavior! How are they coming up with these rules is beyond any logical reasoning”
Another furious lifelong New York resident exclaimed “ He can dine at Gracie Mansion if he wants hospitality in Manhattan. He ain’t getting it here!”
No word yet from the Governor’s Office on how Cuomo feels about the lifetime ban.
Is there a national/local restaurant association to fight these arbitrary orders?
There actually is –
Why they, or the various Chambers of Commerce around the country, are not fighting for these small business owners is a mystery to me.
Here in California, restaurants are doing “peaceful protests”. There is a lawyer in Carlsbad working with all these restaurants to stay open.
Cleverly enough, there is a Nationl Restaurant Association (NRA). And very likely a NY version.
I presume they rolled over like the rest of the groups that were supposed to help businesses.
They should do this in any state that is putting these ridiculous lockdowns in place and include the mayors as well.
Awesome. About time cut him off completely. Great. Hip hip harahhhhhhh
Why fight them. He should not be served by any restaurant as he wants to shut them all down. He can eat at home. He has been treating NY like crap, complaining that he needs money because the state is in debt but he can give himself a $70K raise for the next 3 years but everyone in NY is hurting and he did that crap. He deserves to eat dog food!
The state’s in debt because the people that he got the big money are moving to Florida .
No, he needs to have all assests seized and then live a LONG life as one of the homeless, let him live out his life as he has forced so many New Yorkers to do..and now that he can’t eat at any NY restaurants, that would be due justice.
Yes they are selfish little pricks and I hope they rot in hell for destroying all the businesses in NY god bless those who are innocent and live there and can’t leave NY because of finances stay strong and be safe.
He’s part of the democrat trust fund paid by China.
Well stated. So many people agree with you, is there a way for New Yorkers to remove him from office because he has to go right now!
The saddest part is that they probably are proud of the damage that they’ve done
I think you said it all. Wish every last one of you all the best. Just remember karma Is real!
Please give that idiot Governor my email he want to whoop up on the president of the United States let that idiot come see me in private I will beat his ass till he can’t walk y’all need too arrest him and put him in jail
I wonder if this exodus isn’t just what they want. Frees up real estate for the CCP to buy up condos/apts/houses(land)…
As a former New Yorker I still don’t know how he got elected. Everybody says they didn’t vote for him. I guess the Republicans voted him in to punish the Democrats 😂😂 I got out 14 years ago so Smart. He doesn’t give a sh t about bar owners and restaurant owners. He has his private cook and bartender. I forgot he makeup person for his daily briefing.
WELL SAID! Can I quote you?
Wow I didn’t know that stupid ass mayor gave his self a raise. Don’t city hall suppose to vote on that or the governor suppose to vote on it. Let me know
I hope every NYC restaurant owner extends this courtesy to de Blasio as well. Every restaurant owner needs to band together and stay open. Now is the time to fight! Stand together ❤ We can win. Good always trumps evil. Fight!
He made himself the highest paid Govenor in the country, he took toll booth workers out of work by instituting cashless tolls, everybody now needs an EZ pass, he then changed the name of the famous Tapanzee bridge to his fathers name, Mario Cuomo Bridge..he is a peice of white crusty dog shit! The city’s are mostly what make up the Democratic party and keep voting this pig bitch into office! He is a fucking tyrant who allowed thousands of elderly people in nursing homes to die because he filled them with covid patients, etc etc etc!!!!
I think it is beautiful,fair,right,needed to be done to a very mean,mean,man! Who was involved with nursing home deaths! He shouldn’t even want to be in public!
They need to add both family members too. Particularly Fredo and his wife who bathes in bleach.
You guys voted for him! Now you know what Obama meant when he said, “Elections have consequences!”
The oppressive, incomprehensible decisions made by Cuomo from sending Covid positive elderly into senior living facilities and nursing homes to banning dining in NYC is killing this industry and the livelihood of these Restaurant & Bar owners and employees. Cuomo and DeBozo are an embarrassment to NYC & New York State!
Glad your moving to Florida just keep your stupid liberal politics in New York
As a wine/liquor delivery driver; I meet restaurant owners daily when I deliver their booze. I’m glad to finally see them take a stand against this douchebag dictator.
Robert you are totally right. The politicians continue to be paid whether they work or not. Why are the restaurants being punished for a Covid case increase while the MSM is now burying the fact that the Uber rich New Yorker group trip to the Burning Man event in an area hard hit with Covid where no one was masked or maintained social distancing in an area hit hard by Covid then bringing the disease back to NY is the real reason for the increase.
Did not hear that truthbomb!msm=cia operation Mockingbird propaganda.Get off fartbook,twatte,Gurgle and douchetube censors/deplatformers.Gabtv/Gab.c,Parler is apparently going the way of the msms,briteon,rumble,anchor,so many alts.Heard from Italian visiting here in IL. Last spring that That big oytbreak and some in Spain were due to Chinese workers coming back from their Chinese n.y. Celebration.Big secret is that these workers are imported and stay in dorms like the Thais who were in workdorms last spring and they got sick.These workers make the pricey lux.goods like Fendi,Gucci,etc.Love all of the spunk and attitude! 🙂 Maybe a flashmob statewide walkout on everything and bar PervyCuomo from any help from anyone.Go back to oldschool labor relations and the unionbusting they did.Study the enemy,quickly.Maybe more whistleblowers/lawduits against Grabbykissy hypocrite.Why is nobody developing the pedocriminal biden laptop mention of Cuomo as a contact for the Chinese??
Cuomo had an asshole transplant and it rejected him.
He should be removed bodily from office!! He IS a Communist!!!
Lol good one
I think that not only should coumo and d’blasse-o be banned from all dining establishments in NYC but All service industry establishments state wide.I also believe that All democratic politicians should suffer the same fate.Ban ALL democrats,period!!!
keep voting him in it working wonders for you
Absolutely love this move!!!!💕
Hope it includes takeout and delivery, too!
Now this is rich!!! And I hope like Hell they abide by the rule and show this POS who is Boss when it comes to eating. And you just know the first time he’s asked to leave a restaurant it’ll be big news. HUGE! Way to stand up to the prick!
They are after that property after they destroy you. Pennies on the dollar. I wish Satan would go ahead and collect his bounty on NYC China communist leaders.
Cuomo and de Blasio are trying to empty NewYork out so Biden can help all of the Chinese move in and they will have plenty of room and places to open their own cuisine
Every eatery from nyc to albany should get on board and, while their at it remove mario cuomo’s name off that bridge and return it’s original name.
The cuomo’s entire family should be banned from the u.s.a. and move to italy
Not Italy, China. Then they can see what a real tyrant is like
Think about this…if they cause all the establishments to fail and be sold at discount rates, “new” people can move in and buy them to establish businesses, i.e the connected. The Nazis did the same thing when they cleared out Poland of “the undesirables”…pretty obscene.
In time Cuomo’s radical behavior will have great consequences. Obviously the man is not stable. Needs to be fired for the good of The People and New York.
You have destroyed our state. You have destroyed our people. And you’ve destroyed people’s lives. I hope you feel great about that you filthy Asshole. Millions of people have lost jobs and their restaurants because of YOU. I hope you get band from even stepping foot in this state. I have no sympathy for you or anyone you associate with. Period. None. Zero.
What an absolutely brilliant move. Don’t know why someone hasn’t thought of it before, but this is a new situation. I do hope California will follow suit ASAP.
Now all bars and grocery shops in NYC should do the same and ban him from their establishments too.
Better pack a bag lunch Andy
He is as pathetic as Minnesota’s governor
That is the way they work. Cut our pay and give themself a raise. Governor homeo and mayor of Syracuse,ny. They makeup selfish laws. When they hurt small businesses.
And next election he will get voted in again all because of NYC. My heart goes out to all owners of restaurants but I heard the same thing when Hurricane Sandy came through and it took forever for residents to get FEMA help and you still voted for Obama.
Banning Governor A-hole from dining in any NYC establishment is a great start! Hopefully the ban will be broadened to include Mayor Shitfer Brains as well.
Dear carpet bagging New Yorkers please stay the hell out of Florida. We don’t want you infesting our beautiful state and destroying it like locusts. You made your bed now lie in it.
From Edmonton,Alberta Canada. Good for you NY. Ban those assholes, see how much they like eating at McDonalds. Stay the course.
Hey Canada!Heard on Rebelnews the Chinese pilots been training in Red Deer,like three Years!Also heard about your parliament ordering internment camps+supplies!Trudeau is Castro’s bastard lovechild,not joking!His mom associated with Castro,photos of them together.Compare photos of F.Castro when he was younger to your marxist puppet-shocking!
Heads will roll
Hahaha it’s not “70 degrees every day” in Florida! That’s San Diego. You’re in for a big surprise in the summer!
This needs to take hold across the country, and it shouldn’t stop at restaurants. Grocery stores and big box stores should ban all Communist governors and mayors for life as well. They shouldn’t be able to buy bread.
This needs to be done to all democratic governors and mayors in all states who are putting these b.s. rules in place. When it comes to the Homo brothers Fredo and Andy they need to be hung up from that bridge that bears their last name by their toes so everyone can come by and use a bat on them. Both of them make me sick to my stomach. Old Andy Homo is doing his best to run everyone out of NYC to drive down the price of real estate for the Chinese for sure and if you think he was actually “elected” in a fair election get real. Election rigging has been around for a long time. I was amazed how every Republican won in my state except 1 and that was a big shock for everybody and they called the election that night but it still took days to call the presidential race??? Yeah right!!!
Let him leave this world as slowly and in every last living moment as painfully as possible!
So sad. Covid 19 and the economy have a symbiotic relationship. The virus has to be under control before the economy can prosper. What kind of economy are you having when your customers are ill and dying. No customers, no economy. your Mayor and Governor were only looking out for the interest of their people. Please look at situation objectively.
Helen. The rate of transmission from restaurants has been estimated to be less than 2%! So you shut down an entire section of your economy for <2%???
When were the mayor and governor looking our for the interests of the the tens of thousands of nursing home residents that died because of their ignorant and dangerous policies?
Actually,they are puppets of Soros,Gates,China,K. Schwab,W.E.Forum/Davos crowd.1)Everything is a lie.Covd is a bioweapon that d.o.d./FT.Dietrick/The University of N. Carolina created with help from Chinese researcher in Wuhan.It is an amalgamation/chimera with coxsackie and h.I.v. Components.Fraudci knew full well what they were doing and probably funded the gain of function research or else d.o.d. Did.The WHO was also aware of this illegal research as it was to be banned under international bioweapon agreements previous to 2016.Believe a Dr. Daszek from Chapel Hill is involved.Fauci is a fraud,liar,crook.Dr. Birx is a d.o.d. Bioweapin/deepstate asset.She is an underling of Fraudci.They are associates and employees ofeugenist b. Gates via the GAVI which just got hundreds of Millions$$$ from fed. Gov. Gates has been photographed in social situations in a residential context with pedocriminal Epstein and Ghislaine.Prez Clinton was very chummy with Epstein. Cuomo is a sex predator apparently,waiting for more whistleblowers.He is named as a contact on pedocriminal h. Bidens laptop emails as is DeBlasio.They are all corrupt,lying,vermin who care about themselves. Portugal’s highcourt ruled recently that the lockdowns are illegal because the tests and results are Hugely fraudulent.Health officials have admitted that they have to misclassify covd deaths.Gunshot victims and suicides,car accidents all ruled covd deaths.Probably Not a new U.K. Strain either,they just want to scare people more because they are finally wuestioning and pushing back. Who heard about yesterdays Huge factory explosion where the secondmost H. Steroids were produced??That steroid that was touted by Trump months ago Does work for many as long S its used early.Oops,cant get it now,Explosion
never have been to in western new york.65 years. i have never seen something with such an ego.that person is a classic example of why some animals eat their young .to stop that breed from moving forward.
BS…guess you drank the koolaid too
There no longer is HUMANITY in the Democrat Party.
I’m so glad people are standing up for themselves (and their business’. You know those window stickers of his head peeking in at holiday gatherings? The restaurants should put them inside their places like he’s looking in longingly for a seat. Lol
Hope this holds for
Allso them all
Suffer. Trash.
It would be a good idea to ban everyone who even works for the NYC government too. Find out their names, get photos of them to post on windows and doors and let them know they are cancelled.
I totally agree!
No wonder why his GF left him. I hope his nasty brother is banned too
Well done
The asshat can get a feel for how disliked he actually is 👍
Good for these restaurant owners for standing up to him. Just remember if you move to Florida we dont want dirty democrats running our state.
Cuomo is a piece of shit… Tom wolf is no better
Wolf is communist scum too…
Wolf has destroyed PA. As a lifelong resident of the state, I’m now looking to get out. Had enough of this guy. And when he’s done the idiots will vote in other shit like Fetterman, or even worse, Shapiro. WAKE UP PA!
I am from Colorado, totally support the ban on cuomo or whatever the f…. his name, we have here the dung puncher by the name Pollis – I hope that movement will take on in CO. He and other politicians should be band from eating or take outs in the restaurant everywhere! I hope this movement will take off!
Don’t blame the folks for getting fed up,hope they actually enforce it!!
Governor Andrew Mass Murderer
I agree. He should be prosecuted for all the deaths he has caused and will cause especially the elderly in the nursing homes. No covid vaccine for all the homo Coumo’s.
Agree!Families need to file classaction against him for murder.There was 0Legit excuse to send sick covd patients to The vulnerable.They could easily have used a large clinic or hotel and staffed it up with nationalguard medstaff.Recall every traitorous,impoverishing,lyin,votestealing gov. Official,Foia everything especially budgets/payments and health dept. Data.maybe send mystery boxes of gross stuff to various officials and give no aid to them and state flashmob walkout,close it all down like they did in India.Other people are pushingback.Everyone needs to reclaim their human power,their American power.Body sovereignty.Food sovereignty.Energy sovereignty.Look how hurricane Katrina victim and.hurricane Sandy victims were treated.Remember poor Puerto Rico ignored after their hurricanes.Perfect the art of the workaround.
Fabulous idea!
HA, HA, yeah get him where it HURTS HIMSELF = STAY at home and COOK YOURSELF….!!!!!
Funny how he was hailed as a hero. I was living in nyc when the pandemic broke, I got tired of his endless daily briefings that turned to comedy routines with his “juiced” brother Fredo as 1000s of New Yorkers were dying all around.
People kept hailing him a hero even as he sent 1000s of elderly to their deaths, as the President sent him the hospital ship and built him the Jarvis Center, both hardly used. He would praise the president then stab him on the back until he wanted another handout. Then he goes Hollywood, what fucking Governor gets an Emmy. Now he has a “i am more than you attitude” I had enough and left in May. I feel and my heart goes out to all of you fellow Americans suffering. What you have to do is make sure you vote his ass out and the other idiot instead of helping people he goes to help “ black beans matter” help them paint a huge mural in front of Trump tower. When in reality he should have been thanking the president. Then they screw the brave men and women in blue. Get rid of those assholes.
My dad was born and raised in the Bronx NY and when WWII broke out he quit school at 17 and enlisted in the Navy. Back then he said NY was beautiful but with the idiot’s running the state and city now is a joke, no wonder why people are leaving in droves and coming to either Florida or my adopted state TX!
The mayor and the governor are a total disgrace to the people of New York City. They allowed criminals to destroy the city they should be ashamed of themselves. They took the freedom away from American Citizens. There are many men and woman who served their Country in the Military to protect the freedom of the American People many of them came home with the American Flag draped over their coffin. I. am a Vietnam Veteran infected with Agent Orange and I will always protect our freedom and give my life if I have to. In conclusion Governor Cuomo and Mayor Di Blasio protect our freedom be a public servant not a politician.
I wish they all would make a standing invitation to President Trump to join them at anytime they can serve him. Keep the ban alive and try to get Michigan on board as well as several other cities/states governed by DUMOCRATS !!
To: New York State residents and restaurant owners, all you have to do is take them out of office. Use a referendum and get names on paper and throw the bums out of office.
Um, I thought that was Cuomo that gave himself the $25k raise while so many people are unemployed and lost their businesses because of his executive orders!! Real piece of work right there!! 😡
Durango Colorado needs to do this with the 4 city council members, well, moybe only three council members, one is pretty OK. The way things are going Durango won’t have a good inside dining place left in this mostly tourist town. We have tried to give CJ’s Diner local support but with only one standing up alone to tyranny, well they are easy to take down.
I think both gov asshole and mayor DeIdiot,be recalled or shot
I commend your actions!! The small businesses of NYC have spoken!! Go to hell Cuomo and DeBlasio!!
BRAVO a lot of New Yorkers opened eyes and start thinking what present DemocRats try to do to our country. Pelosi, Schumer and their team have to go and Biden’s family has to be bring to justice.
Both coasts have dumb ass governors.
Couldn’t have happened to two better people. Fucking pricks. This movement needs to go across the country. No more liberal bullshit.
It is about Time that all New Yokers ban the Governor and that NYC Mayor should be completely BARED from any and all establishment no MATTER what whether it be for EATING or any other PLACES, They should be bare from getting HAIR CUTS, having there Clothes Cleaned also BARRED from going to any other Establishment . Do you know WHY it is because all of there restriction ha shade has had a tricle down EFFECT.
CONGRATULATIONS! from an ex New Yorker, who is Italian. New York has better Pizza than Italy.
I would like to propose a new Bill, that would have our government officials running scared, and running hard to get things done correctly and with little down time.
My Bill, would be
All Government Officials, who have been elected into office, are Not allowed to receive their Pay while their community is still on the inside of the Pandemic.
What means if someone lost their job because of the Pandemic, and are still out there looking for work, all your Political Leaders can not collect their Paychecks either everyone from Village Clerks, to Town Supervisors, to Court Judges, to City Leaders, State Leaders, to Congressional leadership, to the President of the United States of America.
With everyone who has been elected needing to pay for their own stuff, even though it might be business related the government would tighten up its freehand outs to everyone.
Yes, hopefully when you move here I hope you aren’t going to vote Republican? Most democrats (hopefully you’re not) move her because their demacratic leaders raise their taxes so they move to a state that is run by Republicans! That’s why we aren’t shut down!!!!
Are voting Republican!
Are voting Republican! Not Democratic? We don’t need raised taxes and shut downs!
There’s no question that Governor Cuomo had this coming- but remember people, that while he’s still in power, he still has vast resources to use against the businesses that have eighty-sixed him, and that can still make life seriously miserable for New Yorkers if they haven’t already tasted enough misfortunes! the example of Cuomo should also serve as a warning to other Governors in the nation who start forgetting about other people’s rights, and especially with small businesses that have greatly suffered like the ones in NYC that have triggered serious animosity (like California’s Gavin Newsom) during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could potentially trigger another revolution if our rights are disregarded by governors and mayors in the heat of this pandemic.
I hope you all read this. Many did not vote for these two idiots and we are all feeling the wrath of their poor leadership but leaving NYS is not the answer. If Florida or some other state turns blue 5 years from now, what do we do? Pick up and leave again. No the answer is to stay and fight. Somehow these two idiots got into office and it’s the people that should fight back to have them both removed. So ban them if you must some fine dining, but the real solution is to stand together And make your voice heard.
They should both be banned from the state,totally.fuck them clowns,,both of them woulda allready disappeared back in the day.still,not to late to ban them from STATE
It’s really sad, I thought NY’ers were stronger then to let some dictator/non American Constitutionalist do this to your city and state. You have a very corrupt state. I pray you get it back. Love our President TRUMP for the next 4 years. Thank you God!
The Deep South
What ye sow, so Shall ye reap. Just a reminder to a crooked, uncaring Governor & Mayor.
It is true. While the Governors of these bankrupt Democrat states shut down businesses and destroy lives with one thing in mind to bring down the economy of the USA, they are still getting paid so what do they care about the people whose life and business they have destroyed! Cuomo & Deblasio should not only be banned from restaurants they should be recalled and run out of NY. May they rest in hell!
Instead of just banning from restaurants, the people of New York should get together and get them out of office and then get them banned from the state.
New Yorkers…wake up and stop voting for these assholes. They dont care about you at all!!!
Cuomo should be banned from every place that serves food in the United States! I hope everyone remembers what he did to New York when he runs for reelection and they vote him OUT by a landslide!
He was trying to save lives. If all U. S establishments had been ordered to do so, everything would be great now. It should have been a country mandate with our government subsidizing businesses. This is our presidents fault not each governor or mayor. What u are suggesting would have put soo many lives in jorphady. Again, this goes back to countries leader.what tou guys were suggesting would gave caused many unnecessary deaths.
Yes, 1000 precent Prevent him from your establishment!!
Vote him out NYC!!
Don’t forget comrad DeBlasio folks. I’d ban that turd in a heartbeat , along with all the other liberals that think we’re little more than dog shit on their shoes . Start banning and refuse service to high profile libs. like Maxine Watters and Whoopie Goldberg the other liberal members of the “VIEW” and there ilk , let them know that the “little people” are not powerless. Let them become aware that we have power too!
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!!
I don’t see how any small business owner can NOT be a Trump supporter. Everyone onboard with this commercial genocide is either a government bureaucrat that never missed a paycheck (or a paid vacation day) or a retired p.s. schoolteacher (another unionized special interest group living off the taxpayers’ dime).
NYC Restaurants to Ban Cuomo from Dining |